Energetic Emission Analysis Diagnosis / EEA
Different from the start. We are not willing to become slaves to the symptoms, but we want to immediately have a general overview in our mind’s eye. Therefore all our patients are send to the EEA examination room first thing. With the help of a special method of picture taking the natural electrical emission of an organism can be made visible. You know this discharge from the “sparks” in dry air or when you walk in carpeted areas. We are only photographing our patients’ hands and feet. These areas show the densest concentration of emissions. The result is a photographic paper with 20 irregular circles, so-called coronal discharges. Through the type of emission, we are calling them phenomena, around the tips the trained diagnostician is able to recognize concrete connections between symptom and cause. This treasure trove of experience collected by Peter Mandel is based on round about 2.000.000 pictures. This method is absolutely individual, free from any side-effects and very effective at the same time – and is an incorruptible “control measure” during the progression of therapy.